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Sure, it’s just the law that your smoke alarms need to be constantly monitored for every tiniest trace of a smoke particle. But it’s also just common sense because those smoke alarms can be the difference between a safe and prompt exit from a burning home and absolute tragedy and disaster. That said, we fully understand that if your smoke alarm keeps going off for no apparent reason, it’s incredibly frustrating. So why’s it happening?

Why does my smoke alarm keep going off?

The odd unexplained false alarm, of course, is no big deal. All technology misbehaves occasionally. But the problem is that a smoke alarm going off for no reason over and over and over again simply means that when there is a fire, you might not take that critical warning too seriously.

So what’s the deal? If your smoke alarm goes off for no reason, it could be because:

1. It’s dirty

The sensors on those smoke alarms are pretty sensitive to an accumulative build-up of dust and other everyday debris. If enough of it enters the critical sensing chamber, false alarms can be the outcome.

THE SOLUTION: How often are you cleaning your smoke alarms? Next time you’re doing some vacuuming, attach the soft brush attachment and give that technology some love.

2. It’s humid

We all know how humid it can get in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast & beyond. Unfortunately, excessive moisture in the air can also confuse your smoke alarm into thinking it’s actually detecting smoke rather than H2O particles.

THE SOLUTION: Can you improve the ventilation around the smoke alarm zones? Also, ask a Queensland smoke alarm installer if there are special humidity-resistant smoke alarm brands and models – because there are!

3. You’re cooking

Is your smoke alarm going off randomly … when you’re cooking? Don’t forget, steam is quite a lot like smoke – and that can mean plenty of false alarms.

THE SOLUTION: Do you always cook with the exhaust fan on? If so, try opening a window while you’re cooking up a steamy storm.

4. You have pests

As we’ve touched upon already, the sensing chamber of your smoke alarm can start to play up if dust and debris get in there. And the very worst kind of debris is the creepy-crawly type.

THE SOLUTION: How often do you visually inspect, clean and test your smoke alarm? Do it often enough and it might just be enough to keep the insects away.

5. Your smoke alarms are faulty

Maybe they’re just old and outdated. Don’t forget, even the best smoke alarms are really only completely reliable for 8-10 years – because an ageing smoke alarm can be a particularly sensitive or glitchy one. Old units may not even comply with new smoke alarm regulations in Queensland.

THE SOLUTION: Check your smoke alarm to see if you can find an expiration date on it – because you certainly should be able to find it. If it’s out of date, it’s time to replace your smoke alarm.

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Smoke alarms keep going off? We can help

Sure, a smoke alarm going off randomly is really annoying – but it can also be incredibly dangerous if it also malfunctions when a real fire is brewing or it makes you disbelieve that high-pitched screech. If you’re questioning the accuracy of your irritating smoke alarms, get in touch with Static Electrics – one of the most trusted electrical businesses with Sunshine Coast electricians and local electricians in Brisbane covering and everywhere in between and beyond. We will:

  • Inspect the problem
  • Check the wiring, power source & connections
  • Repair or replace the smoke alarm
  • Ensure full compliance with local regulations.

Why does my smoke alarm keep going off? Restore your faith in this life-changing technology by giving Static Electrics a call today.

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