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It’s true that even in today’s 21st-century world of wireless technology we still need wiring. In fact, you could argue that we need more of it! This is true, especially when it comes to electrically future-proofing your home. With this in mind, how do you make sure that your home is geared up to withstand the technological advances of the next 20 years? Let’s take a closer look.

Number of electrical sockets

According to certain tech luminaries, it’s thought that the number of active wireless installed devices is set to increase by more than double the current level by 2020 and connected technologies such as household smart thermostats are also set to increase by a massive 75%.

What this means if you’re looking to future proof your home is the need for increased plug sockets. It’s suggested that the average home has around 25-30 plug sockets, so if these predictions are correct, then you should be looking to double this amount. This may mean an increase in electrical circuits and while this is added expense, you only have to do it once and it will add value to your property.

Think about IT infrastructure

What IT infrastructure do you need/will you need going forwards? Technology is only going to get more advanced, so along with extensive Wi-Fi, consider increasing your IT outlet capacity and your data cabling needs. What about satellite communications? Do you need to increase your existing Coax requirements?

Home entertainment needs

As home entertainment systems are becoming more advanced it pays to have the infrastructure in place ready for any future installation. Entertainment pioneers such as Bang and Olufsen and Bose already utilise smart-wire systems with special cabling needs and as they are considered trendsetters or leaders in their field, it’s understandable that many more companies will eventually follow suit.

For this reason, you might want to consider installing specialised cabling now for a home network. In addition, think about home theatre systems. Do you have sufficient power points to install one at a later date?

Heating and lighting electrical requirements

We’ve already touched on devices such as smart thermostats and as an expansion of this, many future heating and lighting systems need external sunlight and temperature sensors to work. With this in mind, it’s worth considering installing them now, so that when new technology is installed, you already have the infrastructure in place.

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While it may seem like a great deal of hassle and expense, the fact is that if you are considering wiring your home, you might as well wire it for the future. Technology advances quickly so what’s bang up to date now, might be “considered yesterday’s news” tomorrow. While it’s true you don’t have to carry out everything on this list, doing the basics will stand you in good stead for the future.

If this is something you’re considering, then talk to Static Electrics. We can offer advice about best wiring practices and give you hints and pointers on what you need to do. Contact our electricians and data cabling specialists on 0488 848 940 for a free no-obligation quote.

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