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Are you getting a new electrical fixture, air conditioning system or solar power service up and running or substantially altered at your place? Then you’ll need to know a little something about the electrical certificate of compliance. Does that sound too complicated right from the off? There’s no need to be intimidated by the complex-sounding requirement – because we’re here to help!

First, the good news: in just about every case, you don’t have to worry about a single thing except only ever engaging reputable, licensed and experienced electrical contractors to do all of your electrical work. That’s because it’s really their responsibility to make sure they can sign off with a certificate of electrical compliance – your green tick to staying safe and in full compliance with electrical safety laws.

There’s a couple of different electrical compliance certificate types:

  • ‘Certificate of testing and safety’ for work on existing electrical equipment.
  • ‘Certificate of testing and compliance’ for installations.

However, there’s really no need to make this more complex than it has to be. In a nutshell, the certificate of compliance will simply lay out whose installation it is, who did the work, and what the work is – all signed off with a statement of certification that everything is above board and electrically safe. It’s that simple.

Got any more questions? Hopefully, we’ll answer all of them below:

1. Do I need to keep a copy?

As long as the electrical certificate of compliance has been properly signed off, you don’t need to do much else. If you ever find that you need it, remember that the electrical contractor is bound by law to retain a copy of your certificate of electrical compliance for 5 years. And remember: the required information can all be laid out on the contractor’s invoice, so long as it lives up to the relevant standards.

2. When do I need one?

As soon as the electrical installation has been completed or successfully tested, that’s when the requirement for the certificate begins.

3. What else is on the certificate?

As well as the owner’s name and address and the details of the work done, another critical aspect of the electrical compliance certificate is the license number of the electrical contractor.

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4. Do I need one for all electrical work?

If you’re doing more with electrical equipment than just plugging it into the wall, the answer is basically yes. Essentially, if you need a licensed electrician to put it in or test it for you, you’ll need a certificate of compliance to make sure all wiring and other electrical standards have been applied correctly – whether in a commercial, industrial or home setting.

Static Electrics will handle your compliance certificate

If you want peace of mind to know that your electrical installation or alteration has been done correctly, safely and in full compliance, the easiest way is to stop worrying about the details of compliance certificates – and instead get in touch with Static Electrics. We’ll take care of everything to let you focus on what’s really important to you. Give the friendly local Brisbane and Sunshine Coast electrical team a call today.

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