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Dangerous electrical appliances in your home could pave the way to disaster. Most people when they think of dangerous appliances consider them to have obvious damage or to be old, but the truth of the matter is that any electrical appliance has the potential to give you or a member of your family an electric shock, or could cause a house fire. In the worst-case scenario, it could even lead to death. As a leading family-run electrician, we have earned our reputation by always putting safety first in everything that we do. We don’t just carry out electrical work in your home but believe that electrical safety goes beyond the wiring in your house.

Here is just one example of what we’re talking about which occurred recently:

Damaged iron lead

While we were visiting a house to give them a quote for taking out their old boiler and installing a new one we happened to notice the owner’s iron sitting on a nearby table. Fortunately, it wasn’t in use but the lead had frayed and there were bare wires visible through the damaged cord. This is very dangerous and had the owner happened to touch the wires when using the iron, they could have received an electric shock. So everyone, please take a minute to check for any damage to your iron’s lead or signs of visible wires.

Don’t attempt to carry out repairs yourself

Another common thing we come across when visiting people’s homes in our capacity as local electricians are the number of people who attempt to repair damaged electrical cables and leads with PVC tape. Everyone that I have spoken to about this is under the misconception that the tape will protect them against an electric shock in the same way as the outer covering of the cable or lead would. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case and PVC tape is an extremely dangerous method of repairing a damaged cable or lead.

Getting back to the iron, it’s vital that these are checked periodically because of the fact that they often contain water which has been used to generate steam during the ironing process. Drops of water can easily come into contact with the lead and if there’s any damage then you’re at risk of receiving an electrical shock. Water and electricity don’t mix so never take chances.

What to do if you’re concerned about the electrical safety of a household appliance?

If you’ve got any concerns about an electrical appliance in the home whether it be a kettle, iron, toaster or vacuum cleaner, unplug it right away and instruct everyone not to use it. If it’s costly to replace then call in your local registered and qualified electrician who can take a look at it for you.

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Check the plugs and leads of all your small domestic appliances on a regular basis particularly those appliances which are moved about regularly and therefore have the plugs pushed in and pulled out more often than others. It only takes a few minutes but it could save you from injury.

Static Electricians have been serving the community for years so if you have any concerns about your electrical appliances or any other electricity-related issues then please give us a call on07 3497 5076 and we’ll send a qualified electrician to you.

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